Piavita Company
40-50% of all households own at least one pet. Pets are our family members. So we expect care at the level we expect it for our children. Veterinarians are not prepared and not setup for that. Digitisation is lagging behind. And the information they have for diagnosing their patients is limited. Piavita is about to solve both: we provide more reliable insights into pets with a medical wearable, in combination with a fully digitised monitoring and information system that also simplifies the coordination and communication between veterinarians and the pet owners. OUR VISION IS TO BE THE UNIVERSAL LEADER OF THE DIGITAL VETERINARY INDUSTRY.
Intelligent Data Analysis
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Zurich, Switzerland
Founded Date:
Employees Number:
Investors Number:
Total Funding:
Estimated Revenue:
$1M to $10M
Last Funding Type:
Series A
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